How one whale changed how we look at plastic
There's no doubt that throw away plastics are bad for the environment, but the good news is things are finally being done about it. You can help too, by joining clean up days, recycling as much as possible, and taking a hard look at the single-use plastics in your own home.
What to do with your wedding dress
There are actually a surprising number of ways you can handle your wedding dress after the wedding. All you need is a little inspiration to decide what's best for you.
Make your wedding eco-friendly with these tips
By thinking about the environment in small ways, they can add up into big ways. Taking care of your world doesn't have to mean giving it all up, just being smarter about what you choose.
Three easy ways to save the planet
We don’t have to wait until our leaders come up with a plan. We can start on our own.
Coping with infertility
Even if it seems like an embarassing topic to need counciling about, talking with a stranger who will keep your problems private can go a long way to easing your mind and helping you come to grips with infertility.
The two reasons for temper tantrums
With a little love and careful handling, we can help guide young children through the first big gusts of emotion by helping them understand the feelings inside them—and making sure it isn't pain they're responding to also.
Four things you didn't know about chia
The word chia is actually from Mayan and means strength. These tiny, black seeds were prized for their ability to provide sustainable energy.
Spice up your fitness with Spartan Racing
Signing up for a Spartan Race can make even your every day workouts more fun, knowing that every pushup you do will help you negotiate obstacles later.
How to Kid'splain "the new baby" to your other kids
Being allowed to help is something many kids enjoy, but it's important not to force them. Most kids will come around to a new baby, even if they don't feel the same joy you do.
Should you go to a yoga retreat?
When you visit a yoga retreat, you are joining like minded people filled with hope, ready for healing, and ready to share those feelings with you.
Four tips to manage hot topics in your relationships
Remember that your spouse having a different opinion isn’t belittling you or your opinion. They are different and they are allowed to think differently.
Why you need to add zip-lining to your bucket list
. If you're looking for new experiences to improve your life, ziplining may be the right choice for you.
Four Cancer Fighting Foods
What if there was something we could do in our everyday lives to help prevent it? Making some small changes with these four tips would be a small change that could bring big benefits.
Having problems sleeping? This may be the problem
Light pollution is a big problem for nearly everyone. If you live in the city and struggle to get quality sleep, it could be light that's causing the problem.
Three secrets to a zero waste kitchen
If you're ready to get started, here are 3 ways you can make a tremendous difference in how much trash you generate.
What you need to know about egg freezing
If you want to have it all, consider getting your eggs frozen and enjoy every aspect of your life.
Four signs your relationship is going to work
The most important sign of a strong relationship probably won't suprise you—it's good communication. If you can talk to each other, your relationship has a good chance of surviving the test of time.
Want more excitement in your life? Try making a Bucket list
You are the only one who can truly be in charge of your story, and a bucket list can help you make it a good one.
Studies show that eating healthier is better for the environment
A new study shows that what you eat can also have a big impact on the environment, and choosing healthier foods is the best out of all possible options.