Are you a helicopter parent?
There is a delicate balance between protecting our children and stifling them.
Why you need to try geocashing
Geocashing is a fun way to stay fit, exercise, and let your sense of adventure take you places. You never know what you're going to find, or quite where you're going to find it.
Can you empathize too much?
Too much empathy isn't just part of a disorder, it can also come in the form of compassion fatigue—exhaustion from dealing with the emotions of others in your day to day work
Want to feel better about your body? Try lifting weights.
Lifting weights takes guts. You have to be willing to step into a room primarily used by men, and have the courage to begin. When you do however, the benefits can be incredible for your mental health and wellbeing, as well as your overall fitness.
How to deal with a begging child
The next time your little one demands a toy or treat, do him a favor and tell him no.
Mental Health Day?
If all you can think about is a problem you are trying to overcome in your day-to-day life, taking a day off to address it can not only make you feel better, but also improve the quality of your work as well.
Secrets of Long Term Relationships
For most of us, falling in love is easy. We can see ourselves marrying someone, having kids with them, and growing old together.
Coffee Has Health Benefits?
If you love coffee, there's no reason to stop drinking it, and every reason to pour yourself another cup.
Bounce for Better Health
You probably haven't been on a trampoline since you were a kid, but if you've been looking for a new way to workout that will both get you sweaty and put a smile on your face, give a trampoline workout a try. Check your local gym for a trampoline class, also sometimes referred to as a “Rebound” class.
Tips to Get You Kids to Eat Veggies
If your kid is like most children, they'd prefer to live on a diet purely consisting of chicken nuggets and kraft macaroni and cheese. Throw in something that's green and healthy, and they act like you're poisoning them.
Why Learning a Second Language is Fun
While in previous generations you might have been able to get away with simply speaking your native language, now the chances are greater than ever that you'll need to communicate with others of a different language.
My Top Five Fitness Tips
Fitness fanatic and working mom, Arlene Torres, shares her top fitness tips.
Secrets to Enjoying the Good Life
Slowing down and enjoying where you are in life is extremely important. If you keep rushing from one milestone to another, you'll quickly find you've waited your whole life away.
How to "Fight" Fair
Maintaining a good relationship doesn't mean never arguing, it simply means learning how to fight fair.
Are Dirty Kids Healthier Kids?
Kids who are never exposed to germs develop a hyper sensitive immune system, which is shown by allergies and other health problems. Kids who receive germs have stronger immune systems.
Dating After Divorce
Moving on is difficult, but with the right attitude you can find love again. Take all the time you need, be present in the moment, and live for the future. Love will be waiting there for you.
Science of the First Date
Some dates feel amazing, others not so much. The first date can fall anywhere on the spectrum, from sweet and romantic to just plain scary.
Declutter Your Life Today
Too much stuff has a negative effect on our mood, our ability to maintain our homes, and even our stress level. Yet decluttering can be extremely hard.
Life Hacks for Parents
Being a parent is a rewarding experience, but sometimes you're just trying to survive. Here are 3 parenting hacks that will make you feel like you're doing it right.