What you need to know about egg freezing

The life goals of women are changing. For millenia, life goals for women involved getting married, settling down, and having kids. As more women are entering the workforce and choosing career paths, those goals are often still there, but are getting pushed later and later in life.

Women who still want to have children in their 40s, but want to focus on a career in their 20s and 30s need to plan ahead. As women age, their ability to have a safe, normal pregnancy decreases. The chances of infertility go up, and for some women, the chance to have a baby at all completely disappears.

This is a frightening prospect for women who want it all. Fortunately, an answer is available for women who hope to have children later in life. Egg freezing when you are in your reproductive prime can preserve your viable eggs for later in life, increasing your chances of pregnancy.

What you need to know

Many women who have frozen their eggs have discovered too late that they should have frozen more than they did. 10 eggs may seem like a lot of potential children, but if none of them are viable when you are ready to have children, this can be a brutal blow. Eggs lower in viability the older you are when they are removed, and also decrease in viability the longer you keep them frozen.

Sinem Karipcin, a reproductive endocrinologist, had this to say about egg freezing: “Women younger than 30 may need 10 eggs to achieve a live birth, whereas women at the age of 38 may need about 25, and if you are older than 43, you may need 100 eggs to be frozen to increase your chances of one live birth.”

Your best bet is to freeze your eggs in your 20s and 30s, and to get more than you think you need frozen. It's better to have eggs you didn't need stored, than to not have enough and lose the opportunity you hoped for.

Who should consider freezing their eggs

Women who plan to have their children later in life should consider freezing their eggs, but it's not just older women who should look at freezing eggs as a possibility. If you are about to undergo chemotherapy, freezing your eggs can still give you a chance at children even if the treatment leaves you infertile.

The good news

There have been over 5000 babies born from frozen eggs. Many of these children could not have been born without the help of these treatments. If you're worried about demenishing fertility, freezing your eggs could be a great solution.

Women have long been forced to choose between their careers, or even their health, and having a baby. Thanks to modern fertility treatments like egg freezing however, ywomen are no longer being forced to make this choice. Egg freezing can be a viable option for many women, even those who don't realize they want it until their late 30s. If you want to have it all, consider getting your eggs frozen and enjoy every aspect of your life.

 Read more by clicking on the link below:

Everything you need to know about egg freezing


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