Science of the First Date

Some dates feel amazing, others not so much. The first date can fall anywhere on the spectrum, from sweet and romantic to just plain scary. It'd be helpful to know if the guy you're dating is into you on the first date, but until our culture changes to allow this brutal honesty, we'll have to look at signs.

Here are 3 body language signs to pay attention to on a first date.

The navel knows

Although it has been generations since we had to protect our bellies from predators, the evolutionary habit of protecting ourselves still hold sway. If your date sits or stands so that their belly button is angled away from you, they're not interested. Another similar gesture is crossing the arms across the chest. If you see either of these, you're probably not going anywhere with this relationship.

Forward or back?

If your date is leaning toward you, they're interested in you. If they're leaning back, this probably isn't going to be a date to remember.


If your date has touched you, even if it is just an accidental brush, it may be a sign they are into you. This is great, as long as those touches don't turn creepy.

First dates are always the hardest. It's difficult to determine whether the person in front of you is someone you're going to love for the rest of your lifeā€”or just another bump in the road. These 3 signs may help you figure that out.

 Read more by clicking on the link below:

Science of Dates



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