Declutter Your Life Today

Let's face it. If you're like most first world people, your house is filled to the brim with stuff. Half the stuff in your house is probably things you don't even use, or don't remember you own in the first place. We have stuff stored in garages, stuff stored in storage rooms, and in closets. Some of us have so much stuff, we even rent storage units that we never go back to.

Too much stuff has a negative effect on our mood, our ability to maintain our homes, and even our stress level. Yet decluttering can be extremely hard.

If you're struggling with the amount of stuff in your home, or just want to be able to see your kitchen counters again, here are a couple of tips to help out:

Does it bring you joy?

Marie Condo isn't wrong when she acts you to see if each item you have brings you joy. You might wonder about things like toilet paper and toothbrushes, but imagine living without them for a week. You'll be blinded with joy when you get them back.

Keep the items that you love. If you don't really love them, give them to someone who will.

Work for 5 minutes at a time

It's easy to get overwhelmed by how much clutter is around us. Break your house up into tiny areas, and just do 5 minutes at a time. If you feel like it, you can continue on from there, but just 5 minutes a day will get you there eventually.

 Decluttering is hard, but when you don't have to root through piles of stuff to find your car keys, you'll be glad you did it.

 Read more tips by clicking on the link below:

Creative ways to declutter


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