Why we get obsessed about cats

If you grew up with cats then you already know how special these little furry creatures are to us. If you’re new to cats then you may notice there is something about them that is extra special. Many people prefer cats over adult babies too. But what can be so special about cats that we don’t see in kids or other animals?


The Perfect Features


It’s unknown how long ago the first human domesticated a wild cat, though we suspect it was a kitten they rescued, fed, then bonded with. This likely happened again and again. Cats were recognized for their usefulness throughout history in controlling the rodent population that fed on our food supplies. At some point, humans started breeding cats, and often the two most attractive parents were chosen to create the most adorable kittens.


Today, many cats are still bred by us to keep the special breeds alive – Siamese, Bengal, Persian – to name a few. Today’s house cats are small, so they don’t scare us – unless they get mad! – and they have super soft fur, wonderful tabby markings, whiskers, and cute paws that may or may not be polydactyl. Most cat people are fascinated by their perfect catlike features and can stare at cats for hours.


They’re Smarter Than We Think


If you’ve had a cat for any length of time then they’ll continue to amaze you. Most cats are standoffish, until you get sick or are mentally distressed. Then suddenly, your cat is on your lap, purring, and wanted to cuddle up to you. They sense our emotions and feelings, and if we aren’t feeling well, cats want to assume the position of Mom or Dad and help us out.


They often understand what we’re saying to them. They understand our moods and when they’ve done something wrong. They won’t hesitate to hiss at us if they disagree, or are unhappy with what we’re doing.


They Aren’t Judgemental


Human beings are the most judgemental animals on this planet. But cats don’t care about how we look, or how we dress. They don’t care if we are a lawyer or if we work at a fast food restaurant and they don’t care who we vote for. They don’t care how much money we have, as long as their food dish is at least halfway full at all times, and they have a few soft cuddly cat beds that they can ignore so they can sleep in a box instead.


Anyone who is willing to open their heart to a furry family member can adopt one, and while the cat may take a while to settle into a new home, they’ll be happy and excited that they have somewhere warm to live, and humans who really care for them.


There are many more reasons why cats are so special, and most likely you can add to our list. Even people who have had cats for decades may be thinking up new reasons why cats are so special to us!



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