Can you train a cat?

Many people may wonder if you can train a cat, and the answer is yes! In fact, humans have been training cats for as long as they have been domesticated. They use the litter box we set out for them, they understand several words including: food, come here, no, up, and treats!


Here are a few ways to get your cat trained so they obey on command.


Be Patient

If your cat refuses to do what you want, stay patient. Keep the treats handy. Never yell or hit them if they do something wrong. Simply take a break and try again later. If they do obey, give them a treat. They will remember the next time and may ignore you, or they may obey you to get another treat! If your cat continues to do bad behavior, simply ignore them. If they do what you want, then compliment them and give them the treat.


Start with Simple Commands

If you want your cat to jump up on your lap, start simple. A simple pat on your lap and saying “up” should be enough. Most cats do understand this command quickly. You certainly don’t want to start with a “shake the paw” command, as that’s a bit more difficult for them to understand. Also, practice this command when they are near your chair and interested in attention. They’ll find it hard to understand if they’re on the other side of the room.


Try Talking It Out

You’d be surprised at how much cats understand us. Part of it is understanding basic human words, and other parts are due to understanding our tone of voice. If you’re trying to stop them from jumping on the kitchen countertop where all the food is, then just give up! Well, you could try training them. If they’re hovering near the counter, ready to jump up, say a firm “no!”, and wave your hand around the forbidden zone. Explain how it’s not safe for them to be on the counter. They can stay on the floor and you will put food in their dish instead.


Use Hand Signals

Many cats understand up to thirty English words, but they can also tune us out. It’s helps to add hand commands to help them understand, as cats are highly visual. Keep the hand signals simple. Patting the chair for them to jump up is understood by most cats. Waving your hand in front of the counter or table where they are not allowed is also understood by most. You can snap your fingers to ask them come to you, or buy a clicker from the pet shop. Keep the hand signals the same for all commands so no one gets confused.


An obedient cat will make your relationship together much happier, as you won’t have to worry about the furniture being scratched, or the meat disappearing off the countertop. But if your cat does exhibit regular cat behaviour, just smile and try training them again. It’s all a part of having a furry family member living with us!



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