Can you speak cat?
Are you jealous of your friends who seem to have purrfect communication with their cats? It’s as if they both understand what each is saying. And chances are it’s true! You too can learn how to communicate with your cat. It will take some time, but you’ll both get there!
Pay Attention
Your cat pays attention to you, so you should pay attention to them, too. If they’re hungry, do you get up and fill up their bowl? That actually is a great first step, because your cat already has you trained! But also notice other cues. If your cat is near you, rubbing their head against you, that means that they want to be petted. If you’re holding them, and they hiss and growl, they want to be placed back on the ground. Do they look scared? It may be due to sudden noise or other children or pets nearby. Carefully place them in a quieter room until the noise dissipates.
What Are They Asking?
At times you may be perplexed as to what your cat is asking. For example, do you have a senior cat who paces up and down the bed? They walk away from your hands, but they don’t want to be tucked under the covers. It may be that they need kitty elevator. They need help getting off the bed. It may be time to buy them some kitty stairs, so they can more easily get on and off the bed. You’ll need to take your cat’s age and health into context when trying to figure out what they are saying to you! Some cats are so smart that they even ask for their medication if you have forgotten!
Use Sign Language
It has been proven that cats do understand around 30 English words, but it could be even higher. But sign language is also a great way to communicate with them. If they do something wrong, you can wave your finger at them. If they jump up where they shouldn’t you can clap your hands. If they are allowed up onto the chair or lap, you can pat it. You can make a petting motion to ask if they want to be petted. Soon, they’ll understand the cues and be ready and waiting for attention.
It’s not that hard to communicate with a cat. You have to pay attention, just like they are watching you and waiting for that cue that dinner is served!