Why you should celebrate the small wins


Why you should celebrate the small wins

In our busy lives, we often get caught up chasing our next BIG DREAM or the next new fad that we are rushing full speed ahead towards. That is great and all, but don’t forget how important that journey you are on truly is. Progress is made in small steps, and it is still important to recognize the effort you put in for those small steps.

Mood booster

When you allow yourself to celebrate your small wins or small forward steps towards a bigger goal, it brings joy and happiness because you acknowledge your progress. This lifts your mood and gives you more energy to keep pushing towards more forward progress to reach your end goal.

Track progress

Celebrating small wins allows you to visualize your steps towards your bigger goals. You are able to see how far you have made it in your journey and allows you to see how far you’ve come!

Bring meaning to your journey

When you realize how much work you’ve put in, and how much you’re accomplishing on your journey, it brings a sense of pride and fulfillment for all that effort and time. You recognize how you have changed along the journey, the new people you’ve met and the new experiences you’ve had along the way.

So remember that every step forward is an accomplishment, not matter how small it may seem, it is always one step forward of where you were before, and one step closer to where you want to be.



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