What is your Aries cat's horoscope?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


If you’re a cat who has born under the sun sign of Aries, you’re a cat with a “know-it-all” cattitude. But it’s not from being arrogant or having a narcissistic personality disorder, it’s because you genuinely care about people and want to help.


You’re the cat who steps in when something distressing happens. You’re of the fire sign, and you can sense when your human’s world isn’t quite balanced, including when there is some sort of fire in their way. You’ll run up to your human and do your best to comfort them. You can sense they are feeling sick, whether from eating the wrong foods, or when they’ve come down with a virus. If there is something that is distressing them, you can jump up on your lap and provide them with the soothing and healing properties of your purrs.


The Aries cat may be the one in the household who is bossy to the other cats and dogs. It’s not like you enjoy it, you’re just trying to help out. At times you may overstep your bounds, so in this year, 2023, you’ll want to step back a bit and let them make their own decisions. But of course, if that newly adopted kitten is getting into too much mischief, trying to jump on the kitchen countertop, or the stairs banister, then yes, do step in and stop them from hurting themselves.


The climate has been drastically changing recently. Purrhaps this winter you can convince your human to clean out the fireplace and put some logs in to burn. You’re a fire sign, and that means that you’ll love lying in front of the fire having a good long nap. You also draw your energy from the fire, which you’ll be inspired by, as you now have even more energy to tell your fellow friends what to do!


This doesn’t stop with your fellow cats or dogs either. You are the cat who meows in front of their human’s door at 6 am to be fed. You have no problems telling them at 2 am that it’s play time! You let them know when you want outside, and then back inside five minutes later. You’ll stand in front of your toys yowling, because it’s now play time with your human.


Despite your annoying habit with your humans in the upcoming year, you’ll also be providing them with plenty of warm love and energy!





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