Why your pet needs a fecal test
A fecal analysis is performed to diagnose certain types of parasites, including hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. It is often performed during your pet's annual visit. If your pet develops diarrhea, your vet may want to examine the stool, in addition to a physical examination, to help diagnose the problem. A fecal analysis may hep diagnose diseases like colitis, pancreatic issues, and inflammatory bowel disease.
How is it performed?
Your veterinarian may request that you bring in a fresh sample of your pet's stool. The sample should be placed in a clean and labeled container and placed in a leak proof plastic bag to prevent spillage. Alternatively, your vet can use a special tool called a fecal loop to obtain a sample at the clinic. The fecal loop is a long thin plastic tool with a rigid loop at one end. It is lubricated and inserted into the pet's rectum, gently twisted and then removed. The loop catches a sample of stool for the examination.
There are several ways a fecal examination can be peformed. First type of test is a general visual examination of the stool sample. The veterinarian will look for presence of worms, blood, or mucous.
Some worms can be seen in the stool. For example, roundworms are long slender worms that look similar to spaghetti. Sometimes, these worms will pass in the infected animal's stool. Another worm that may be seen in the stool is a tapeworm. The adult tapeworm is a long and segmented parasite. As it ages, it passes segments out the stool. These segments contain tapeworm eggs, and when dried, look like pieces of rice.
Excessive mucous and bright red blood is often associated with colitis. Dark blood (often resembles coffee grounds) in the stool indicates digested blood and is often linked to stomach ulcers.
Sometimes, the vet may perform a test called a direct smear. In this test, a small amount of stool is placed on a microscope slide and examined. This test is usually performed in combination with other tests because it often gives false positive results. The most common fecal test is called a fecal flotation. In this test, a sample of stool is placed in a plastic container and a small amount of a special solution is added. The solution, when mixed with the stool, allows the eggs of parasites to float to the top. A clean microscope slide is placed on top of the brim of the container to collect the eggs.
What is it used for?
Fecal analysis is performed mainly to identify parasites. It is also used to confirm other diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, and pancreatic insufficiency. Rarely, stool may be analyzed for pathogenic bacteria, like salmonella. There are also specific tests that use a stool sample to diagnose viral infections like parvo and corona viruses. These are usually only performed in cases where the pet is suspected of having these diseases and are not routinely ran.
What is its benefits?
Fecal examinations are most commonly used to help identify the eggs of parasites such as hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms. It is also used to confirm the diagnosis of many other illnesses. With an accurate diagnosis, your veterinarian can prescribe the appropriate treatment.