What pet is best for your lifestyle
Choosing a new pet can be a very exciting time in your life. There are many types of animals available, from the traditional dog and cat, to large animals such as pet pigs and horses, and also exotic animals like birds and reptiles.
With so many choices out there, you might find it difficult to choose an animal that fits with your lifestyle, but taking the time to do your research is very important. The right pet will keep you from later being forced to give up an animal because you’re unable to meet its needs.
You’re already on the right track just by reading an article like this one, so let’s get started.
How much time do you have?
Some animals take a great deal of care, while other animals hardly need any time at all. If you are away frequently and need an animal that is easy to care for, a fish tank is an ideal option. Fish only need a sprinkling of food once or twice a day, and a water change once a week in order to have a good quality of life.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, dogs require a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, many hours of training, and boarding when you are away. If you are away very often, they may not be the best choice.
If you want a pet that requires more care than fish, but less care than a dog, a cat could be the right mix. They can take care of their own toilet needs if you’re away long hours at work, but will still be fine with a cuddle on the couch once you get back.
Do you have kids?
Not all animals handle children well, especially when they are small. Rabbits for example are prey animals, and may not enjoy being clung to. On the other hand, rats are surprisingly playful and intelligent, while not requiring the same maintenance as a dog or cat.
If you have children, it’s important to find out whether that species or breed is good around children, and also teach your children how to handle the pet properly.
Look beyond the face
A common mistake is to fall in love with the idea of a breed or species, only to get that animal and discover that your ideals didn’t match reality. Terriers for example look spunky and cute, and are the heroes in many cartoons—but they require a lot more exercise than average dogs.
Chinchillas are incredibly entertaining and personable animals, but they are mostly nocturnal. This is perfect if you work during the day and want to come home to a pet ready to play—but not so great if you’re a light sleeper and your pet is rustling around all night.
Your lifestyle is as unique as you are. Whether you are a family person, an extrovert looking for love, or a busy corporate climber who needs a pet that won’t mind spotty companionship, there is a pet right for you.