Souroubea, the greatest plant you have never heard of!
Attention all dog lovers!
How well do you know your natural medications?
If the name “souroubera” is unfamiliar, it is only because you are unlikely to find this particular variety of plant in most hobby gardens and greenhouses. Native to northern South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico, this little-known plant is packed full of medicinal properties that have caught the eye of not only botanists and herbalists, but pet owners as well.
Wait…pet parents, you say?
Turns out, souroubea is enthusiastically being studied for its calming effect on humans and animals alike.
Let’s find out why.
What Does Souroubea Guianensis Look Like?
First, for those who have never seen a souroubea up close, we begin by looking at its taxonomy (AKA the science of classifying and naming plants based on their characteristics). To identify a sourourbea, start with the flowers. This plant is dotted with delightfully bright red and yellow buds that are easily recognizable due to their distinct “horn” shape. Furthermore, the leaves are green, flat, and smooth with a slight shine.
These plants love to climb. They fall under the umbrella of the Marcgraviaceae family, making them a type of terrestrial shrub.
Interestingly, souroubea can be pollinated by both butterflies and moths, adding to its curious existence.
Exciting Research Emerges on the Powers of Souroubea for Dogs
Despite their unusual – some might even say alien – appearance, it’s not the outside of the souroubea plant that interests researchers so much…it’s the inside.
That is because souroubea extracts contain ingredients which show promising signs of lowering anxiety levels in canines. As millions of dog owners know, fear-based disorders can be a challenge. According to the American Kennel Club, most dogs nowadays suffer from fear and separation anxiety. In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 70% of all dogs live with some form of anxiety. Yikes!
For example, being afraid of loud noises (like thunder and fireworks), having a fear of overwhelming stimuli (like strange people and new environments), becoming terrified when left home alone for hours, senior dogs growing old, forgetful, and less aware of their surroundings, etc. are common.
Of course, this is all very tough on pet parents.
An anxious dog is more likely to develop behavioral issues. Unfortunately, a dog who gets no treatment for their anxiety is at risk of acting out by destroying furniture, having potty accidents, becoming timid or aggressive, and just generally feeling like a stressed-out pup.
But the good news is, natural treatment options exist.
Researchers in North America are currently studying souroubea in laboratories with the goal of developing plant-based anxiety medications. So far, test results have been overwhelmingly positive. In a March 2019 publication, the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology pointed out, “Souroubea sympetala extract was found to have significant dose-dependent anxiolytic effects in animal models including the elevated plus maze and fear-potentiated startle.”
Amazingly, it appears that souroubea has powerful anxiolytic (meaning anxiety reducing) properties helpful for dogs, and potentially humans too.
Mother Earth is Here to Provide
Think of the Earth itself as a medicine cabinet. Each flower, herb, tree, and plant contain different properties. Some, like souroubea can be healing.
But it is important to think about how we gain access to these plants. As animal lovers, we are often concerned about where our pet products come from. Afterall, any manufactured good that destroys valuable forests or pollutes waterways ultimately harms animals in the long run. Fortunately, souroubea is sourced sustainably from the Costa Rican rainforest. Plus, it provides economic opportunities for local villages.
Final Thoughts
In summary, souroubea is a plant to watch, and if you have a dog with anxiety, you should look for Souroubea to help keep your pup calm.
With more companion pets and people being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorders each and every day, souroubea offers an exciting new remedy.