Animal Behavior Essentials: 5 Things You Need to Know

As pet parents, we’re always observing our pet’s behavior and we always think we know what our pets are thinking. We all know our pets better than anyone else, but pets are a different species than humans. Meaning, they have behaviors that we sometimes can’t understand.


One thing we learned about caring for pets is that when it comes to their behaviors, knowledge is the biggest power we have. This blog will teach you animal behaviors basics and how to understand each behavior. Understanding each other is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your pet, as well as your relationship.


5 animal behavior essentials and what you need to know about each one:


1.    Cat behaviors

If your cat’s tail is upright or slightly curved at the end, that means your cat is relaxed and feeling confident. If their tail is curled around another beings’ legs, that means they’re showing friendliness towards whatever that being is. When your cat is feeling threatened, they will show you by lashing their tail back and forth.


2.      Dog behaviors

If a dog is wagging their tail, that means they happy or excited about something. If it’s lowered between their hind legs that means they’re feeling scared or threatened by something. You can tell if a dog is stressed if they are yawning when they’re not tired, they are constantly licking your lips and looking away from you.


3.    Horse behaviors

Horse’s ears are the best way to determine how they are feeling. If they are being held upward, open facing forward or outward, they are feeling neutral and calm. If they are opened facing down, this means your horse is either tired or depressed. Ears pinned flatly backward means your horse is angry and feeling aggressive.


4.    Rabbit behaviors

Rabbits can betricky animals to understand. When they are happy and experiencing joy, they do the ‘bunny hop’ or dance to let you know they’re happy. If your bunny is making grunting noises, that means your rabbit is angry. If your bunny is trying to engage in playing with you or a friend, they will push or throw objects around to engage in play.


5.    Bird behaviors

Bird behaviors are often responses to the environment they’re in. Birds take care of their feathers by a behavior called preening. This involves them smoothing their feathers but stroking them with their beaks. If they click their tongue, that’s their way of getting you or another bird to interact with them. If they pant, that’s a clear sign that they are overheating and uncomfortable.


These are the most common behaviors you’ll see in common household pets. Now that you know what to look for, you can start to understand your pets on a deeper level and create a stronger bond with them. Understanding why pets do the things they do can help you to better care for them and create a better relationship. If you and your pet understand each other and create boundaries, you’re bound to be best friends forever!





Sources are used for reference, but all wording is my own.,%2C%20humans%2C%20other%20animals).


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