Variability among refractometers

Researchers evaluated the variability of urine specific gravity (USG) among four refractometers. Urine specific gravity was determined in 100 dogs using three optical refractometers, the American Optical Abbe refractometer, Reichert TS 400 refractometer, and Heska Veterinary refractometer, and one digital refractometer, the Misco Palm Abbe Digital refractometer.

According to the results, the Reichert, Heska, and Misco refractometers provide USG measurements that can be used interchangeably. The AO refractometer measured USG values with much larger differences. Results also suggest that non of the refractometers were able to accurately predict urinary osmolarity within a clinically acceptable range.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Variability among four refractometers for the measurement of urine specific gravity and comparison with urine osmolality in dogs.


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