5 Ways You Can Help Preserve Our Wildlife

Can you imagine if everybody on the planet did one small action to help protect the wildlife living among us? That’s 7 billion people taking action here and now. Now matter how large or small, every action can lead to a greater impact, but what options do we all have?


There are hundreds of organizations that work to protect wildlife on land and in our oceans. These organizations will help clean up trash, protect endangered species, aid in areas effected by natural disasters, and much more.

Donating to these companies helps them raise the money they need to complete their work. It takes funds to clean up all of the plastic in the ocean or to take on the fight to protect species at risk for extinction. Help them help the animals by donating even just a few dollars each month!



If there is a specific animal you are concerned about or a certain habitat that you feel drawn to protecting, learn about it. Spend as much time as you can educating yourself on the subject and then educate others! Tell other people all about why you are concerned and what you are doing to help. Bring it up in casual conversations or, if you have the power, host seminars. Raising awareness is one of the most effective ways to help preserve our wildlife.



If you do not have the money to spend, that’s perfectly fine! Consider volunteering at animal shelters, wildlife preserves, environmental conversation organizations, etc. I personally find that cleaning up trash along the streets or beaches to be one of the most rewarding ways to spend my time! You can do this within an organization or all on your own. You could also volunteer to learn about wild animals or clean their cages, tend to their needs, etc.


Buy Responsibly

Purchasing from companies who do not use animal products is another effective way to help protect wildlife as this will decrease the trafficking of these animals for human use.

I would also recommend using products that do not come in containers that could be harmful to the environment. This refers to products that aren’t biodegradable or recyclable! By reducing the amount of waste that you produce, you’re cutting down on pollution and keeping our planet and its habitants safe!



Do more than simply throwing away your plastic bags. Go so far as to be sure you aren’t putting anything harmful into the recycling or trash altogether. If you drink from soda cans, be sure to cut up the plastic holders that they come in so that the circles don’t get caught around a growing animal’s body. Don’t throw away any small plastic pieces as these can also get consumed by wild birds. Be careful and think about what you are throwing away or recycling!


Protecting our wildlife should be at the top of everybody’s to-do list and with so many different ways to go about this task, you have plenty of options to choose from! Do your part to protect our fellow animals!


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