5 money saving tips that are also good for the planet
When we hear about making changes to benefit the planet, that talk often goes hand in hand with expensive gadgets someone wants you to buy. While switching to an electric vehicle or installing solar panels on your home may indeed benefit the planet, you don’t have to shell out big bucks to be good for the planet.
These money saving tips are designed to help the planet and put money back in your pocket. Now that’s a refreshing change!
Use your leftovers—all of them
Packing away last nights dinner to eat for lunch tomorrow can save you a ton of money, especially if you normally eat out. Another step you can take is to save the veggie scraps you normally throw away, such as onion peels or carrot skins, and store them in the freezer until you have enough to make a vegetable stock with it.
Not only will you have used every scrap of food you have, but you’ll also save money by turning your trash into an extra food item. You can take this a step further by composting the scraps when you’re done with them, and using the compost in a vegetable garden to help keep the cycle going.
Eat less meat
Meat is delicious, but it can have a higher burden on the planet. If you’re a heavy meat eater and skip meat just one day a week, it can save you as much as $40 a month. The more often you skip meat, the more you will save, since meat tends to be a lot more expensive than vegetables and even dairy products.
Buy secondhand clothing
You can get some amazing name brand clothing secondhand. Websites like thredUP even modernize the process, letting you browse through name brand clothing at your leisure. Not only do you get to enjoy name brand clothing, but it often comes at a heavy discount because it’s second hand.
Put a sweater on
Once you get that awesome new second hand sweater, try wearing it in the house during winter. Just lowering the temperature in your home during the winter by a degree or two, and raising it by a degree or two in the summer, can save you big.
Walk when you can
If you live in a walkable area, take advantage of it and skip the car when ever possible. Every time you leave your car parked in the driveway you’ll save money on gas, and if you’re able to swap your car for a bike entirely you’ll save even more.
This step isn’t possible for everyone, but it’s a great one for those who can.
If you want to help save the planet, but can’t afford an $80,000 car to do so, these tips can make a big impact and save you money at the same time. Every time we can reuse something or reduce our consumption in some way, we’re helping save the planet.