Retrospective study on osteoarthritis at the time of diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament injury

A  retrospective study was performed to characterize the severity and distribution of osteoarthritis (OA) within the joint and to identify differences among dogs. Radiographs of 240 stifles from 51 Boxers, 66 German Shepherds, 100 Labrador Retrievers, and 23 Siberian Huskies with confirmed CCL rupture were included. Radiographs of the stifle joint were evaluated and OA severity was graded at 33 sites.

Results indicated that dogs weighing greater than 35 kg had a higher total OA score than those weighing less than 35 kg. Osteoarthritis scores were highest at the apical patella, proximolateral tibia, and sesamoid bones, corresponding to the proximal, lateral, and caudal aspects of the joint, respectively. Boxer dogs had a higher total OA score than other breeds.


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