Should you gift a pet for the holidays?
All children dream of unboxing a cute puppy one day. Imagine closing your eyes, untying a big red bow, and out pops an adorable wiggly fluffball!
But do pets make good gifts, really?
Sorry, No. They Don’t.
As much as we wish it were untrue, pets simply do not make good gifts. There are a few reasons for this. As Peta says, “Animals are not toys. They are sentient beings.”
Consider the following before rushing to the pet store for the holidays.
Why You Shouldn’t Give a Pet as a Gift
Pets require time, energy, and money
Sadly, thousands of pets end up in shelters every January because people failed to realize how much time and energy it takes to properly raise an animal. Over holiday break, it feels like there is tons of family time. But then school and work start up in the New Year. Suddenly, that little puppy, kitten, or bird is left alone all day…which isn’t fair.
In addition, not having enough time and energy to dedicate to a new pet can lead to other problems, such as: separation anxiety, destructive behavior, depression, and even aggression.
Lastly, pets cost money. Sure, you might feel like you’re making someone’s dream come true by gifting them a pet. However, who is going to pay for their vet visits? Food? Training classes? Accessories? All of these costs add up.
3 Gift Ideas Better than a New Pet
Giving pets isn’t the best idea. However, there are other excellent gifts for the animal lover in your life!
Consider instead:
· A yearly zoo pass
· A trip to a cat café
· A sponsorship of an endangered animal