How to Create Your Perfect Night Routine

You’ve heard all about how to wake up earlier, start your day at 5am, be a morning person, but it’s just not for you. That’s absolutely okay! Not everyone is a morning person and that’s fine, but you still deserve to have those couple of hours to yourself to unwind, take in your day, and feel like your most successful and productive you!

Creating a nighttime routine is similar to creating a morning routine, but the purpose is slightly altered. Whereas in the morning, your primary goals are to have that time to yourself and prepare for the day ahead, a night routine is about having that time to yourself and unwinding from the day that you had. There are numerous ways to create a successful and enticing night routine, but here are some things you may want to consider!

Don’t start your routine too early

Where people tend to go wrong when creatin a night routine for the first time is they start it a little bit too early and end up with time to spare that isn’t productive. If you go to bed at 10pm, start your evening routine around 8. You don’t need a lavish 4-hourbedtime ritual every night, but it should be long enough for you to feel the relaxing effects of it!

Essentially, what you don’t want is to go through your routine of relaxing and then have an hour to spare before bed where you watch TV. This will make it harder for you to get a good night’s rest!

Turn off your electronics

Or at the very least…silence them or put them on vibrate. These couple of hours are for you to unwind from your day. Don’t spend them scrolling through social media and comparing your life to someone else’s!

Take care of your skin

At some point in your routine, you need to take care of your skin (not just your face!). If you are a nighttime shower person, this is when you should hop on in there! Enjoy this time to yourself. Allow yourself to daydream a little bit and wash away the day you had whether it was good or bad!

When you get out of the shower, take the necessary time to care for your skin with lotion and a facial skin care routine!

Do something to calm your mind

What you do is your choice, but I recommend taking part in journaling, listening to music, meditating, or stretching. You just worked all day long, ran errands, have things on your mind, it’s best to get those thoughts out of your head and onto paper so they have a new home. Once that’s done, you can focus on unwinding with some meditation, your favorite songs, or doing some evening stretches!

Prepare for tomorrow

Take the time right before bed to set up everything you need for the following day so it’s one less thing you need to worry about in the morning. Lay out your clothes, prep your lunch, have your wallet and keys ready to go, etc.!



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