Empowering Mantras to Repeat Each Morning

As a firm believer in “you are what you think”, reciting mantras has become a vital part of my morning routine! Mantras are affirming statements you say either out loudor in your head that boost your mood and manifest themselves into your reality the more that you say and believe them. That’s the kicker with mantras, you have to believe in them, not just say them! Having been reciting mantras for many years now, I feel the need to share some of my favorite one’s with you and hope you’ll give them a go!

For self-confidence

“I am worthy of all this life has to offer” – You were born worthy. You were born divine, and nobody gets to take that away from you.

“I am exactly as I am supposed to be” –This does not mean you are telling yourself you cannot change and better yourself, but the first step to bettering yourself, is accepting yourself! You were made exactly as you were supposed to be, love that!

“I am capable of everything I want to do” – You are the only one who can change the way you think. Other people’s opinion of you are not your business! You are capable of everything.


For Financial Abundance

“Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways” – Best for anyone who is looking for a simple mantra that covers all areas of financial income.

“I am so grateful to make (x-amount) of money every month” – Ideal for anyone with a specific financial goal in mind. Remember, there is no feeling of “wow that’s a lot of money” to spirit. So, dream big!

“Financial abundance is my birth right” – Remember that you are born into abundance. You are born with all of the monetary income that you need and desire. You just have to believe you are worthy of it and ask for it!


For Attracting Love

“I am so grateful that my soulmate is on their way to me” – This one is ideal for people who want to put out that message to the universe and begin the process of attracting your person!

“I am deserving of a love that is perfect for me now and for my future self” – This mantra sets the tone for yourself. You cannot attract love if you do not feel you are worthy of love.

“I feel grounded, secure, and loving towards myself, and believe my soul mate would only further that.” –Remind yourself that you come first, your soulmate is simply a bonus! You should not be desiring a soulmate to “save you”, they should be a bonus to your already wonderful self!


The thing about mantras is the more you recite them, the more you believe them. So yes, at first, you might feel a little silly looking into the mirror and saying these things to yourself. You might not even believe them at first, but trust me, you will! I even recommend you record yourself for 28 days and then watch the video from Day 1 and the video from Day 28, you will be amazed by not only how you feel, but how your tone, projection, and body language has changed!


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