Alien or monster? You decide!

In the deep forests of Braxton County, West Virginia lies a cryptid story like no other. On September 12 in 1952, a family in Flatwoods said they were visited by an alien spacecraft. That mysterious night became national–and eventually international–news that put this tiny town on the map.

Alien or monster?  On this episode of Obsessed with the Palmers, we come face to face with the Backwoods monster.

WE love you for listening!!  If you have a mythological beast or an urban  legend you want the Palmers to investigate, let us know by tagging @obsessedwiththepalmers on social!  You might win some cool stuff, too!

Obsessed with the Palmers podcast is brought to you by Brave Paws!

Brave Paws Anxiety and Stress Support Chewables may promote calm behavior in dogs who exhibit nervousness or anxious behavior. The clinically-studied and patented botanical blend contains naturally occurring bioactives, including betulinic acid, which have been found to promote a sense of calm and relaxation in dogs. Learn more at



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