5 Time Saving Hacks

Let’s face it, we all want to work out more, eat homemade meals, and spend time working on our own personal hobbies. Unfortunately, what stops us from achieving these things is usually time. It takes time to go to the gym, time to prepare meals, and time to work on our hobbies. It’s often time we don’t have. 

In order to improve our chances of following our dreams, the best option out there is to streamline our day, so that we have the best shot at getting that coveted “Spare time.” Here are a few hacks that work even for frazzled moms or career women on the go. 

Prep for the day the night before 

Let’s face it, most of us aren’t our best in the first few hours of the day, but we’re usually more awake and alert at night. By choosing what we’re going to wear, getting the coffee pot set, and packing all the things you need for going out the day before, your morning will go much more smoothly. 

Help yourself wake up faster 

You can also cut down on those lost hours of fogginess by helping yourself wake up faster. Open the curtains right away and expose yourself to sunlight. Sun naturally burns away melatonin, so you’ll feel awake faster. Drinking a glass of water can also help speed up your waking process, as it kickstarts your metabolism. 

Avoid time sinks 

You tell yourself you’re just going to check something on facebook for a mental break, and before you know it 20 minutes have zoomed by. Social media is filled with distractions that make it easy for you to lose focus. If you can, avoid these time sinks entirely while you’re working, or set a timer to remind you to exit out after a few minutes. 

Delegate work 

Like everyone else, you probably have your strengths and weaknesses. Do the things you are best at yourself, but if you are particularly bad at something you may want to let other people help you. This could be letting older children help with chores (even if you know it won’t be done ‘right’) or letting coworkers handle something instead of doing it yourself. 

Consolidate your errands 

Do you always find yourself running to the store last minute for one specific ingredient? Try combining your trips so that you are no longer zooming out every 5 minutes or stopping on the way home for ingredients.  

If you can arrange it so you can do your shopping while the kids are at Karate, or grab all your ingredients for the week at once, you’ll save a lot of time. 

These hacks can help organize your life in small ways to make it easier for you to do what you want with your life. There’s also bigger things to consider however, if your commute is very long to get to work, consider moving closer to work or finding a new job in order to spend less time traveling. When you start looking at your day, you can often see what the problem is, and saving time just gets easier. 



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