3 Reason to wear sunglasses this summer

Wearing sunglasses can make you look cool in your outfit, and can make it easier to adjust to the blinding light outside. It turns out though, there’s a lot of great reasons to pick out a great pair to wear with your outfit. The sun can damage your eyes in the same way it can damage your skin, and this can lead to permanent damage. Here’s how.

Your eyes can burn too

Your eyes can be damaged from bright light just like your skin can. Usually called “Welder’s burn,” are those weird blotches of light color you see after looking at the sun or seeing a sudden flash. Although these are avoidable, they can also be caused by sunlight reflecting off of water or snow, and doubles the dose of ultra violet light you receive. Sunglasses can help filter out some of this light, reducing the chance of causing your eye injury.

Sun exposure can increase your risk of cataracts

Over time the sun’s UV rays can damage your eyes. According to a 2014 study conducted by the U.S. National Eye Institute, radiation from the sun’s UV rays can damage proteins in the eyes. Over time, this is what leads to cataracts and other eye problems later in life.

It may cause macular degeneration

Another way UV radiation can damage the eyes is by causing macular degeneration. The eye is very sensitive to light, and there’s evidence too much UV exposure can cause macular degeneration over time. UV radiation has also been linked to eye cancer.

What makes a good pair of glasses

In general, the best pair of sunglasses has UV protection. It doesn’t matter how dark the lens is, as long as the glasses protect from UV rays. The sunglasses should also be large enough to cover the eye, and ideally the larger the better. The bigger the lenses, the more protection your eyes have.

Cost isn’t always a factor in quality when it comes down to protecting your eyes either, anything that advertises UV protection will help protect your eyes.

When not to wear sunglasses

Although sunglasses are useful all year round, there are times when they can be more harmful than helpful. Avoid wearing sunglasses in the morning before 9 or 10AM. The sun’s rays usually aren’t strong enough at this time to cause damage, and shielding yourself from light before this time can disrupt your circadian cycle. Your body depends on light to tell the difference between day and night, and you may find yourself feeling more tired in the mornings if you wear glasses early on in the day.


Sunglasses are great for a lot of different things. They can make you look cool, help adjust from indoor to outdoor, and also protect your eyes from damage. In order to stay safe and maintain your eye health for as long as possible, making sunglasses a part of your daily routine can go a long way to helping you stay safe.



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