Why we need to worry about our climate

So far four countries have declared a “Climate Emergency” in response to the global warming crisis. Relabeling global warming into a climate emergency isn't the same as declaring a state of emergency. When a state declares a state of emergency, it gives them legal power to commandeer private property and stop legislation if it gets in the way of dealing with the crisis.

Declaring a climate emergency isn't the same thing, and since it is not tied to an Act to make it a law, declaring a climate emergency is little more than symbolism. With more and more individual states, cities, and even governments declaring our climate crisis an emergency, it makes you wonder why do it if it has no clout.

 This is especially the case when it comes down to Canada, who declared a climate change one day, and almost in the same breath the next day, approved an oil pipeline expansion that will move yet more fossil fuels around the country. It makes you wonder why a country would say one thing, yet do another entirely.

Yet even as these declarations on climate emergency seem to be mainly lip service, major environmental groups are taking up the cause. 

Why Declaring A Climate Emergency Is So Important

Even though legally, a climate emergency does nothing, declaring one puts the topic of climate change in the spotlight. The government of an entire country recognizing climate change as a threat to humanity is a very big sounding board. Media takes notice. The citizens of that country, and of other countries around the world, take notice.

While it's true that it doesn't do anything legally, it can pave the way for legal actions that will make a big difference. If declaring a climate emergency is received positively, it may pave the way for bolder and bolder steps.



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