Taking care of your mind with meditation

 First thing first: What meditation is really about? Despite all its popularity, few truly know what meditation is. Some believe that meditation is mentally concentrating on something, others think that meditating is to imagine something that gives peace and serenity.

In reality, meditation is a state of profound peace that is achieved when the mind settles down while remaining completely alert.

Exercises, poses and breath control, do not really correspond to a meditation, but are just methods to rebalance one's posture and control some vital functions. In the long run, their practice, without a real goal of spiritual realization, can lead to the imbalance of the right channel (the solar channel) of our energy system, because they constantly push us to concentrate on the technique.

As I said, meditation is a state of mindless awareness: one does not do meditation, one is in meditation. You can stay in meditation also expressing your joy in a creative activity rather than remaining still in the lotus pose on the top of a mountain. True meditation leads to a state of deep peace, in which the mind is calm and silent but alert. This state of thoughtless awareness cannot be attained through mental effort; thus, in fact, we would use the mind to stop the mind itself!

On the other hand, the state of thoughtless awareness is realized when a state of general well-being is created within us that calms all our moods and tensions. To allow this process of reassuring to happen spontaneously and simply, it is an energy that resides in us, in our sacred bone. Once activated, it calms and balances all our energetic system.


Get happy, get mindful!


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