Why you need to unplug

The internet is an amazing gift. With the power of our cellphones, laptops, and computers, we can see family on the other side of the world face to face, and do business with our clients at any time day or night. The internet is a powerful tool, but it can also cause us real damage too.

When we stay plugged in all the time, especially during our evening hours, we may be sacrificing a lot more than just our free time. Studies show that when we still take work related messages when we're off work, we don't get the 'down time' needed to be able to recharge and perform our best the next day. 

When your boss sends you an email at 2 in the morning, you don't have to answer it even if you're awake. If you feel you must reply, a quick “Let's talk about this at a more appropriate time,” is all you need.

Recharging isn't the only reason why putting down the screens at night is a good idea. The lights coming off of our phones and other devices can keep us awake for longer, by tricking our bodies into thinking it is day time. That's also why TV isn't a great idea either right before bed.

Just like many other things in our world, the internet can also be abused. Too much internet can rob you of the other things you enjoy in life, such as your hobbies and family, as you spend more and more time focusing on other things.

Screens are amazing tools, but it's also good to step away from them from time to time. Set limits on when and where you use screens, especially in the evenings or when you're hanging out with family. By unplugging from time to time, you'll feel healthier and better able to enjoy life.



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