What is your Libra cat's horoscope?
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You’re a cat who doesn’t obey, you only do things you want to do. This means that you’ll be reading your horoscope in your own time, if you do it at all. This past year has been a big adventure for you. There were some big changes in your life, but you took them with good humor. And only for the reason that it gave you something to do, and you had more worlds to explore, that were open and inviting to you. Now you call the entire house your new abode, and you tolerate those humans who continue to live with you.
You’ve done well, despite hissing at your humans a lot. You have learned to have patience with your loved ones, and with those other small furry beasts that they call companions, but that you have no idea where they came from! But you do your best to be friendly and get along, even if they are conflicting star signs.
You’re a highly intelligent zodiac sign that understands how the world works. You can effectively communicate with your humans. At times, you pretend you don’t understand them, as you don’t want to obey them when they say get off the counter or the furniture! You do have a strong sense of justice though, so you only do it when they’re watching, not when they’re in bed at night, because you want to prove that you’re the purrfect and most beautiful cat around!
The year ahead is going to bring some challenges with your health. It’s important to embrace the healing energy of the Earth, to make it work to your advantage. If you want to help out your humans a bit, be sure to barf on the rug. They love it!
Seek the sun’s rays during the spring equinox, and lay in its warmth a little bit longer. Its healing rays will make you feel better. Be sure to snuggle up to your humans when you can too. If they’re sitting on the couch, they’re providing their healing energy to you. If they’re asleep in their bed at night, snuggle up beside them. they’ll provide hours and hours of warm energy.
Don’t be afraid to pass your thoughts to your human. If you really aren’t well, let them know through telekinesis, and they’ll bring you to that dreaded vet! (Even though you always feel better by the next day.)