What is my Virgo cat's horoscope?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


If your cat sign is Virgo, you are a maiden or virgin, and have never mothered or fathered kittens. Your ruling planet is Mercury, which gets closer to the Earth a couple of times a year. During this time, the focus is on you. You are a logical, practical, and systematic cat. If your meal time is even late for five minutes, you’ll jump on top of your human and yowl away. You’re the cat who starts training their human the moment that they carry you through that door. You do your explorations, then decide what it is that belongs to you. (Almost everything!)


Being a perfectionist zodiac cat sign has its benefits too. Your human will give you extra pets and treats because you are a cat who is neat and tidy and always uses their litter box. You are always waiting patiently for them in the morning, and by their doors in the evening. There is even a system to your toy playing. You’ll grab the toy and drop it in front of your human when it’s play time. You do have issues with the daylight savings time changes though. It’s hard for you to accept how humans want to bend and change time.


The following year may be a challenge for you, just like the past two years. It seemed like your human’s schedule was in disarray. Why were they working from home? Why were they bringing you different types of food, or worse, what happened to your favorite brand of at litter? Still, you stay calm and patient, and it’s advised you do the same the following year. While you may hate change, you can purr with it, and accept the slight differences in daily life. You’ll quickly settle in to the new routines.


You may also want to back off a bit on the home improvement projects. Even though you didn’t like that ugly vase on the shelf, your human did. You really shouldn’t try to rearrange items, or kick them onto the floor because you don’t like them. You tend to find the patterns of the universe where there aren’t any.


You understand how the universe works, and try to work with it, not against. You may already have the year ahead planned, but if not, create your plan for the remainder of the year. Don’t forget to include those six naps a day, seven for the hot months of summer solstice and winter solstice too.


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