What is my Pisces dog's horoscope this year?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Your dog sign of Pisces is the final twelfth sign in the zodiac. Pisces is symbolized by two identical fish, but each are swimming in the opposite direction. This can indicate how your life is going at times. You identify a lot with Gemini the twins, for this reason. Many Pisces dog owners may feel like they have adopted two dogs, not one.


The good news is that you are an affectionate dog who loves to cuddle with their human(s), and you do well around young children. Most of the time you are peace-loving and you get along with everyone. At other times, you’ve had enough, and you want to go and hide in your doggy bed. Your owner may think you need a rest, but you’re actually thinking some deep thoughts.


Your sign is ruled by ancient mysticism, making you sensitive to the nuances of the environment. If something has moved, you know it. If your human is upset but hiding it, you know it. If something is going to go wrong, you can sense it and try and steer your human in a different direction. All it may take is hiding their wallet, just until the danger passes.


Most humans are oblivious to the power of the Piscean. But the occasional smart one will notice. For example, once they’ve found their wallet, and you head outside on your big adventure, they may see a bad accident on the corner of the street. Since you delayed them, they may start seeing you in a different light. It can help to open the power of communication to not only understanding each other better, but to navigate the year of 2023 better. Soon they’ll start paying attention when you appear to be barking at nothing. Because, you are obviously barking at something!


Because the Pisces is also a sign of water, they love the water too. Discipline with a water bottle will never work. You’re happy to have your weekly doggy bath, or even better, head out to the dog groomers for a day of relaxation.


This y ear will continue to be a year where you pay attention to your surroundings. At times you’ll wish it wasn’t up to you to be a watcher. But other times, you’ll accept who you are. You understand how much your humans love you, so you’ll do best to look out for them and to help and protect them.


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