What is my Gemini cat's horoscope?

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


You’re a cat who’s highly intelligent, and you also love to socialize. People may be drawn to you for your silly antics, but they may also think they can pet you whenever they want, or pick you up and cuddle with you on their laps. That’s where cat consent comes into place, and you are certain to let them know that they have overstepped their bounds. Most humans will adoringly obey, while a few will be your permanent enemies. You won’t hesitate to hiss at those you hate.


But that’s okay, because they’ll have to keep an eye on those shoes, or their smaller possessions. And if you get caught out on it, you just meow adoringly up at them, as if to say, “What? I thought it was a cat toy!” Your humans and fellow pets may annoy you at times. It’s best to hide under the bed until they go away.


The Gemini cat may take a few months to get settled into their new home, but once there, they’re highly loyal. You’ll have a curiosity about the great outdoors, and if you do slip out one day, your humans can stop worrying, as you’ll be back in one…. day! They can’t get rid of you so easily!


The Gemini cat is an air sign, meaning that you’re often standing up, observing the world. You’re fascinated with watching the birds outside flying through the air, just like you. The best cat toys for you are also those that are on long strings, and that you can bat back and forth.


You generally possess good cat health. You do enjoy trying different types of foods, and you’ll steal the food off your human’s plates when they’re not looking. This is actually a bad idea. Instead, encourage your human to give you more of your favorite treats.


Even if you’re a cat, you may wish to seize opportunities this year. This is definitely the year for you. You’re going to have an especially great birthday month in June, as on June 17th, this is when there is a large morning alignment of three different planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. You’ll want to get up early, and trash those curtains and blinds, so you can try and get a glimpse. Human eyes can’t see it, but cat eyes can! This will bring you comfort for those times when you get frustrated with your human, and you can just dream about those three round balls in the sky!



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