Celine Halioua is uncovering the secret to dogs living longer

The only thing wrong with dogs is that they can’t live forever.

That’s what Celine Halioua, the Founder & CEO of Cellular Longevity, Inc. believes. As a pet lover, she is currently building an animal pharmaceutical company that is developing therapeutics aimed at extending both lifespan and healthspan for dogs.


Well, consider that the average lifespan for a medium-sized dog is a short 10 – 13 years. For about a decade – if we are lucky – our lives will be infinitely blessed by the presence of a wagging tail, wet kisses, and all the love imaginable packed into a fluffy canine package.

But then, far too soon, our dogs cross the Rainbow Bridge. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if science could discover a way to give people more time with their beloved fur family?

San Francisco-based biotech Cellular Longevity (also known as Loyal) is on a mission to do just that. And they are close to cracking the secret code!

Today, My Pet Candy is delighted to introduce Celine Halioua and learn about her ground-breaking work on the biology of aging.

Dedicated to Understanding Dog Health

It’s not everyday you meet a dog lover who also studied neuroscience at the University of Texas, Austin and economics of gene therapeutics at Oxford University.

Yet Halioua has done both.

Originally from Texas, she has carried out research all over the world, including Sweden, Germany, and England. But biotechnology (specifically, unravelling and developing therapeutics for pathological aging) is where her heart is.

Such an interest couldn’t come at a better time. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that there are 89.7 million pet dogs. Of this, the American Veterinary Medical Association has found that over half of dogs past the age of 10 years old will eventually get some form of cancer. Furthermore, just like humans, canines can develop a huge variety of health problems as they get older. 

Grey hair, deafness, sight loss, arthritis and forgetfulness…your pup could experience any of these once they enter their golden years.

Yet to this day, very little is known about how to treat the underlying causes of aging in dogs.

That’s where Celine’s biotech company Loyal comes in!

She is laser focused on figuring out how to extend the lifespan of dogs in a way that preserves their quality of life by keeping them active and healthy. At just 27 years old, Halious is on the fast track to uncovering antiaging secrets for dogs – and potentially humans, too.

An Early-stage Biotech Venture Capital Like No Other

The second astonishing thing about Loyal is how quickly it has caught the attention of investors. In particular, women. Females make up 50% of Halioua’s investor base, which is nothing short of miraculous. She has also grown her small team from three to 60+ people since 2019.

"There's never been a drug approved for aging for any species, dog or human," Celine explains. "My core goal in life is to get the first drug approved."

With a team of veterinarians, scientists, and pet lovers behind her, Celine Halioua is reshaping everything we know about the biology of aging…one dog at a time!





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