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Who's the fairest litter of them all? Check our list to find out!

Cat litter is a necessary part of a cat’s litter box. It has to fit within your budget, and be easily obtainable from your local pet supplies shop, or from an online retailer that charges fair shipping fees. But you may have forgotten one item – your cat must not only love it but you must love it too! For example, the coconut husk cat litter is so soft to your cat’s paws, but they may have too much fun kicking it all over the floor!


Here are a few considerations when searching for the perfect cat litter.

Clay-Based Clumpable Cat Litter


Clay-based clumpable cat litter can be purchased at any grocery store. It’s clumpable and easy to use. But there can be some drawbacks to using it. Yes, it’s cheap, but it may be a bit too rough for your cat’s paws. If your cat ingests too much, it can cause intestinal blockages that require an expensive trip to to the vet. You may want to consider more natural types of cat litter.


Consider Allergens


There is cat litter made from a wide range of products. Just some of these include wheat, paper, grass, corn, and other plant-based materials. But you’ll need to consider your family. If one has a corn or wheat intolerance, it’s best to skip these types of cat litter. And surprisingly, cats may also have intolerances to certain types of litter. If you won’t feed it to them in dry crunchies, don’t buy it as litter either.


Would You Use It If You Were a Cat?


It can be difficult trying to choose cat litter that your cat may love, or hate so much that they use the floor instead. Most manufacturers of cat litter offer small, medium, and large bags. Start with the smallest bag. Even better, buy three different types at once. The recommended advice for cats is to use one litter box per cat plus one. So if you have two cats, you need four boxes. You’ll see signs from your cat as to whether they love or hate the litter. If they love it, go out and buy that big bag of cat litter now, because you’ll save on costs.



It’ll take a bit of work to find the perfect cat litter for your cat, but once you’ve found it, you’ll want to stock up. And your cat will be so happy and healthy, without any worries that the cat litter they are using will cause  health issues.