Pet Candy

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What's the hottest trend for 2021?

In the 60s, it was commonplace for families to euthanize their dog before family vacation, because it was cheaper to do so than to board their pet. Fast forward 60 years, and euthanizing a healthy animal for such a trivial reason is unthinkable.

Animals have had a shift in value for many people, rising in status from simply an animal allowed in the house or yard, to a member of the family. Today, people often go to great lengths to lavish care and affection on their pet, and this trend is here to stay.

The Humanization of the Pet Industry

A large part of pets becoming more popular is how they are being seen as more human like than in previous days. People in the past weren’t heartless, they simply didn’t view animals in the same way as we do now. 

Although Covid has greatly spurred growth in the pet industry, pet ownership was on the rise long before this. In 2012 for example, long before Covid reared its ugly head, 68% of people in the USA owned dogs. According to the Pet Products Association, 83% of those people consider their dog a member of the family.

A global trend

The rise in popularity of four legged friends isn’t limited to just the USA. Pet ownership is rising all over the world, with tremendous growth in India, Russian, and many other countries. While the USA is the undisputed leader in dog ownership, Brazil has risen to take the number two spot, and Russia is the world leader in cat ownership.


Animal ownership is popular the world over, and while what animal is loved the best depends on what country you go to, the enjoyment of animals as companions is popular almost everywhere.


Why are pets so popular?

At first, pet ownership might seem kind of one sided. We lavish out pets in care and attention. We give them food, water, shelter, and often medical and grooming also. We put a tremendous amount of resources into their care, and get nothing besides companionship back.


That companionship however, is a good hint as to why love for pets is growing. Pets are great listeners. You can tell them your problems and they will never tell another soul. They fill up a room with life and energy so you don’t feel lonely. They inspire you to play and laugh again. Most importantly, they devote love to you in a way few ever will.


Although researchers may look for evolutionary reasons why pets are so popular, the truth may be far simpler. We love our pets because they love us back, and their love doesn’t come with any stipulations. You know that even if you have a bad day, or you don’t look like a super model, your dog will still love you and have no expectations for you to change.


In a world defined with stipulations and conditions for love, the gentle and accepting love animals provide is most likely what is driving pet ownership.