Ways to Prevent Behavior Problems in Your Puppy
Just like human children, puppies need love and guidance when it comes to curbing unwanted behaviors.
That adorable little furball will soon grow to be full-size. What is funny and cute in a puppy that weighs less than 10 lbs can suddenly become annoying (or downright dangerous) in an adult dog.
That’s why it’s important for you as an owner to prevent behavior problems in your puppy, fast!
3 common puppy behavior issues and how to solve them
No matter the breed, all puppies go through the same stages. Generally speaking, puppyhood lasts from birth up until two years of age. Some larger and higher energy breeds (like Bullmastiffs, Golden Retrievers, and Great Danes) will exhibit puppy characteristics and traits well past this timeline.
Remember, puppy behavior is natural!
All that playing, running around with crazy “zoomies,” and teething will be a part of how your puppy develops into a well-adjusted dog further down the road.
However, we want to prevent “bad” behaviors right away.
Does your puppy do the following?
1. Bite Too Hard
When they turn two weeks old, teeth will begin to push through a puppy’s gums. At ten weeks, the teeth are fully in. Of course, all this change can leave a puppy’s mouth sore. In addition, those sharp little teeth are brand-new…How is a puppy supposed to know how hard is too hard when he/she is biting?
The answer comes from your puppy’s littermates. A mother dog and fur siblings will teach a puppy bite inhibition. But as an owner, you must do the same thing. If your puppy bites hands, fingers, and feet or accidently chomps down and breaks the skin, then it’s time to seriously stop this problem behavior from getting worse.
Here’s how:
· Never encourage aggressive biting
· Use toys / tug ropes instead of hands
· End all play when your puppy nips too hard
· Reward gentle mouthing
In time, your puppy will come to understand that biting is an unwanted behavior. Don’t ignore the problem and assume it will go away. Prevent this future behavior problem by tackling it early.
2. Destroy Shoes, Clothes, and Furniture
The next most common problem puppy parents face has to do with their belongings getting…well…totally destroyed!
To a puppy, all objects become chew toys. Everything is fascinating (especially your favorite pair of shoes). To save your clothing and furniture, be sure to give your puppy lots of dog-only items to play with. The trick is to make your pup understand the difference between their toys – which are okay to be rough with – and human things, which are not.
Want to get a head start on preventing this problem behavior altogether?
Remove temptation by putting your valuables out of reach. If a puppy has a fondness for gnawing on chair legs or couch pillows, use a crate when no one is home to watch them.
3. Pee in the House
Lastly, this is a behavior problem that thousands of puppies struggle with well into dog adulthood, all because the behavior wasn’t corrected during the puppy phase.
Luckily, it’s an easy fix.
Puppies who have potty accidents in the house do so for one of two reasons:
a) They don’t yet know the difference between home/yard potty spots
b) They aren’t being taken outside enough
Puppies won’t have full control over their bladders yet. So, to prevent messy cleanups, you can:
· Get them on a morning, noon, and night schedule
· Offer more outside time
· Watch for signs of needing to use the bathroom (like circling, whining, scratching at the door)
· Block off areas of the house
And there you go!
Three of the most common puppy behavior problems, plus super simple solutions that will make puppyhood an enjoyable experience for both you and your dog!