Pet Candy

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This is one of the biggest dangers of the summer

Heatstroke is a condition that occurs when the body temperature rises to dangerous levels, which in turn causes the body systems to suffer damage. One of the most common reasons that dogs suffer heatstroke occurs when owners leave them in a car in warm weather. The sun can overheat the interior of a car very quickly. Further complicating this danger is the containment of the heated air inside the locked windows, where the heat steadily grows as the sun heats the air more and more. Since the heated air cannot escape through the closed windows, the inside of the vehicle can easily reach extremely dangerous levels- think of a steaming popcorn bag, and the dog is a popcorn kernel. 
While all dogs are at risk for heatstroke, those with short faces like boxers, pugs, and bulldogs, along with overweight dogs, are especially at risk. Since most dogs wear a permanent fur coat, even slightly warm temperature for humans may soon become unbearable to dogs, especially if they have a thick coat. 

What are signs of heatstroke?

Early signs of heatstroke include panting, drooling, and anxiety. If the owner does not take the dog to seek medical attention immediately, the animal could die. Even if a dog survives the initial heatstroke, complications could still cause irreversible brain damage and multi-organ failure.