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Go Green for life


Trying to be more sustainable is a common New Years resolution. More and more people are aware of their impact to the planet. While it’s unrealistic to believe we can completely erase our carbon footprint, reducing our impact is easy—and something you can do forever.

Here are a few easy ways you can reduce your carbon footprint forever, without having to suffer.

Speak Up

One of the simplest things you can do for the planet is to talk about it. If your government representatives never hear from you about how you feel on climate change, litter, or endangered species—they’re going to think what ever they’re doing is fine.

Let them know, especially on a local level, what needs done for the planet. If you want a walkable city, ask for it. If you want a better recycling program, ask for it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so be that wheel!

This also goes for talking to others in your day-to-day conversations. Even if they don’t agree, sharing what you believe can help others break out of the echo chamber caused by social media.

Invest in the Future

Many of the tips we focus on are small, easy changes you can make. As time goes on however, you’ll have the opportunity to make bigger changes. When it’s time to replace your washer, dryer, or other big appliances, take the time to research the greenest options.

By replacing our biggest sources of energy use, we can help reduce our impact on the planet daily.

You can also help in a big way by rethinking who you bank with, and what you invest in. Investing in renewables, carbon removal, and other green services can help them and help you too.

Think Before You Buy

Our world is glutted with stuff right now, and all the choices and options out there can be overwhelming. One of the best ways to help save you money, hours of cleaning and dusting, and space in your trash can is to hesitate before you buy.

If you think about a purchase before you buy it every time, you’ll be less likely to make impulse purchases you regret. We all have those purchases we’ve made in the past that we intensely regret—and they have their own burden on the planet.


Many of these tips not only help the planet, they also help you. Appliances that save water and power save on your bills. Making sure you genuinely want an item before you buy it will help save you money and buyers remorse. Investing in yourself as well as the planet can help everyone’s future be bright.