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Evaluation of Honeycomb Appearance of the Spleen

A study evaluated the prevalence of a honeycomb appearance of the spleen in a population of referral cats presented for ultrasound examination. Twenty-five cats that had a honeycomb pattern identified with a linear high-frequency probe. These cats also had abnormal spleen evaluations on cytology. Prevalence of the honeycomb pattern was 6.8%. Four types of lesions were found: lymphoid hyperplasia (64%), neoplasia (16%), extramedullary hematopoiesis (12%) and splenitis (8%). but only in 36% of cases with the micro-convex probe. Follow-up information was available for only four of the cats, in which the honeycomb appearance persisted up to 105 days after the first examination.  Honeycomb appearance of the spleen is uncommon in cats and most of the time it was benign (84%). The use of a high-frequency linear probe improves its detection rate.

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Prevalence and diagnostic value of the ultrasonographic honeycomb appearance of the spleen in cats.