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Why we need to be prepared for African Swine Fever

The World Organization for Animal Health recently announced that 25% of the world’s pigs are expected to die from African swine fever (ASF), a highly contagious disease that causes hemorrhages in pigs. ASF has not yet made its way to the United States. 

Dr. John Deen, a professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota reports,
that African Swine Fever has caused a major realignment of animal agriculture. It has spread throughout China and neighboring countries, resulting in less pigs and pork. More than 60% of the world’s pigs were in these countries, with pork being the preferred meat for consumption. Estimates of a 50% reduction in pigs in Southeast Asia are due to pigs killed by the disease, as well as farmers liquidating their herds out of fear of infection.

According to Deen, rebuilding the swine herd will not only take time but a transformation in the ways that pigs are reared.

The University of Minnesota's College of Veterinary Medicine is helping the Chinese industry identify methods to protect and expand their herds.