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House move during early pregnancy linked to heightened premature birth risk

Researchers analyzed birth certificate data for babies born in Washington state between 2007 and 2014 to mothers who were 18 or older.

The researchers randomly selected 30,000 women who had moved during the first trimester, and compared them with 120,000 randomly selected women of the same birth year, but who hadn't moved during early pregnancy.

Moving in the first trimester was associated with an increased risk of low birth weight (6.4% vs 4.5%) and preterm birth (9.1% vs 6.4%) and a slight increased risk of small for gestational age (9.8% vs 8.7%.) 

Residence change was associated with low birth weight and preterm birth in all socioeconomic strata.

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Residence change during the first trimester of pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes