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3 Ways to Beat Anxiety


If you have anxiety, it can stop you from doing many of the things you enjoy. You may have put off many of the milestones you’ve dreamed of in your life because of your anxiety. While anxiety is a disease that we can’t simply walk away from, there are a few science-backed tricks that can help you enjoy life despite suffering from anxiety.


Do it badly

A symptom of anxiety is that you feel like you must do everything perfectly, or it has to happen at the perfect time. You can’t simply propose to the person you love. It must be done on a beach, with a glowing sunset, perfect weather, and with the ultimate perfect ring.


Whether you’re actually planning a proposal or you simply want to clean your house, the need for everything to be perfect can stop you from doing anything at all.


Give yourself permission to do things badly, and focus on getting it done rather than getting it done well. You may be surprised at just how good your ‘bad’ job turned out.


Forgive yourself

Did you make a mistake? With anxiety, you’re probably up at night plagued by something you said at a party way back in 2010. We are generally our worst critics, but you can’t really avoid yourself. When you find yourself worrying because you think you screwed up at work or you said something you regret, forgive yourself first.


Help others

A great way to help ease anxiety, according to science, is to help others. Volunteer for a cause you feel close to, or spend time working on helping future generations. When you feel like you have a purpose in life, it can go a long way to helping how you feel about yourself.


Anxiety is a crippling condition, but there are steps you can take to help ease some of the problems caused by it. These 3 suggestions are all backed by science.