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Three ways to keep your skin healthy

You only have one face and it has got to last you. That’s why you need to start taking serious care of it today!  Keep your skin healthy with these simple tips from skin care guru, Imogen Carr.

Three tips for great skin:

  1. Don’t just buy products and toss them in a drawer! Sounds stupid but lots of us spend hundreds of dollars on products that we use once or twice and then forget about them. Start using those products today. Cleanse, tone, treat and moisturize every single day.

  2. Clean your skin at night before you go to bed. Use a gentle cleanser to wash all that pollution and dirt away.

  3. Take care of your skin by taking care of yourself. That means drink more water, get lots of sleep, and use SPF. All these things cost next to nothing but are so very important for your skin health and more.

For more skin care tips and live make up demonstrations, follow Imogen on Facebook!