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Why You Should Try Immersive Fitness

Imagine getting on your bicycle and taking a tour of France. You glide past the Eiffel tower, watch kids playing by a nearby canal, and take in beautiful scenery as you pedal off into the sunset.

Most of us can't afford to pop off to a foreign country for a weekend getaway, but what if you could get a similar experience in your next fitness class? Les Mills has created just that, combining immersive technologies with old school cycling classes.

Their first immersive fitness class takes you on a winding road through craggy mountains and icy landscapes. Cyclists pedal in a blacked out room while looking at a screen that takes you through the mountains.

The feeling is very realistic. Participants find themselves leaning forward and driving hard to get up steep “hills,” and during a race with other competitors, you feel the urge to pedal faster in order to get ahead of the next person.

Immersive fitness is exciting, and really inspires you to work harder than you normally would. On top of that, it's just plain fun.

Les Mills has some of the best developed programs available, but other immersive fitness programs aren't far behind. Earth's Power Yoga in Los Angeles offers the chance to do yoga surrounded by beautiful backdrops such as oceans, deserts, and mountains.

Black Box VR is taking immersive fitness to a whole different level with a full gym available in virtual reality. Black Box VR combines the fun of game play with physical workout—only except for leveling up a fictional hero with the power of the thumbs alone, you are leveling up your whole body with benefits that will linger in real life.

Immersive fitness offers much more than just a great workout. These programs offer boredom busters that keeps exercise fresh and interesting. If you've ever had to drag yourself to the gym, or just skipped it entirely because you didn't feel like it that day, you've probably come face to face with boredom on that day.

These games offer a unique chance to freshen up the experience. When we are provided with something novel to distract us, it does a lot more than just encourage us to work out. Although we are working up the same sweat and putting in the same effort, workouts set in beautiful scenery that distracts us makes us notice the pain of a workout less. You may even feel like working out more because the experience was that distracting.

Whether you want to go on a cycling adventure or perform yoga surrounded by the raw beauty of nature, it's rapidly becoming popular. Take an immersive fitness class today, and leave with improved health and a sense of adventure. You never know what you're going to get with these powerful and fun classes, but one thing you can count on is a good workout and something to talk with your friends about at the end of the day.

 Learn more by clicking on the article below:

Immersive fitness 101