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Essential Oils for Sore Throats?

Living with a cough or cold is no fun at all. Not only will you feel a constant nagging pain in your throat but also experience coughing fits during the night. Furthermore, you may also find it hard to talk and may at times think that it will stick around for ages. However, you should not wait for your cold to go away like a powerless victim. Instead, you can try adding the right things to your diet, thus soothing your throat and encouraging a speedy recovery.

Many supplements, home remedies and foods can improve a sore throat. However, most people rely on essential oils which may be used in aromatherapy or throat inhalation. Essential oils help relieve sore throats by reducing the inflammation while at the same time handling pain and discomfort. In some instances, the essential oil can also help in boosting the immune system keeping invaders away.

One of the most widely used essential oils is Peppermint.  Peppermint is specifically designed to treat coughs, colds and other conditions which may cause a sore throat. This is made possible since it contains menthol, responsible for providing a cooling and tingling sensation. Other types of essential oils that you can use include Oregano oil, Clove oil and Eucalyptus. With the right essential oil, you will never again have to worry about sore throats in your life.