Pet Candy

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Make your Valentine’s Day Sweeter by Eliminating the Sweets

Healthy and Valentine’s Day candy aren’t often two words that are paired together. Whether we like it or not, the thought of Valentine’s Day conjures up thoughts of ginormous heart shaped boxes of chocolate. 


What I am proposing for this Valentine’s Day is that we realign our “healthy intentions” to remember that it is our overall lifestyle that defines our health and wellness, not how much candy is eaten. 


In short, my three top tips for a healthy-ish Valentine’s are as follows:

1.      Be a good role model by bringing healthy snacks to Valentine’s Day celebrations.

2.      If you do indulge, make sure to eat mindfully and savor bite by bite instead of inhaling a large quantity without thought.

3.      Instead of giving candy to your Valentine, create a beautiful handmade card.