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You don’t have to be perfect to help the planet

There are a great many different environmental movements out there, aimed at helping the many problems humans have created around the world. There are campaigns to end single use plastics, to stop mowing our lawns and transform them into habitat instead, and to reduce our carbon footprint.

If you care about the environment, it can feel overwhelming to see how much damage our ordinary lives can cause to the natural world. A plastic straw we toss into the trash can get blown into a river, make its way to an ocean, and get stuck in a sea turtle’s nose—even if you’re miles away from the ocean.

Nearly everything you do has an environmental impact, and that impact can be positive or negative. It sometimes feels like you need to go out into the woods and live off roots and sticks in order to not harm the planet. If the bar is so high to live sustainably, why bother at all?

Anne Marie Bonneau, the Zero Waste Chef, summed it up perfectly. “We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

The best way to help the planet isn’t to go on a sustainability crash diet you have no hope of maintaining, but to make small changes you know you can live with. Every little change helps, and the best changes are the ones that are easy or even pleasant for you to keep for a lifetime.

Start with the easiest steps

The best way to begin is to pick something that you find easy or enjoyable. If there’s a sustainability thing you think you ought to do but dread—save that one for last if ever. A sustainable option you could live with might mean bringing reusable grocery bags to the supermarket or switching to peanut butter in a glass jar instead of a plastic one.

By choosing the least painful step you can first, no matter how small, it will help pave the way for those smart choices. If you’re not sure what would be easy, here are a few swaps that you can try:

·       Bring a reusable coffee mug to Starbucks

·       Bring reusable bags to the grocery store

·       Reusable water bottles instead of single use

·       Refuse plastic utensils in takeout if you don’t need them

·       Refuse condiment packets you don’t need or want

·       Eat your leftovers

·       Turn off your computer etc. when not in use

These simple tasks can help save money in some cases, and save the environment in all of them. You don’t have to be a superhero, go completely plastic free, or find some way to give up your favorite things. Even one small change helps.

You may find some zero waste things have their advantages and wouldn’t dream of going back. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Keep what works for you, and if you can’t stand an environmentally friendly swap don’t sweat it—just keep the swaps that work for you.