What is your Virgo dog's horoscope?
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo dogs will do well in a nice stable home. The fewer the residents the better, though you will warm up to an extra family member quickly. You enjoy the stability and routine of your working humans. You expect to be fed twice a day at the exact same times. You do not understand this “Daylight Savings Time” thing that your humans try to explain to you, and that make you wait an extra hour.
You’re a dog that presents an air of being calm and collected, but you’re not immune to feeling anxious in certain situations. If you hold in the anxiety, it can upset your stomach, and cause vomiting or diarrhea. This can certainly worry your human.
You’re ruling planet is Mercury, which is closer than many of the other planets, so you are one of the smarter dogs around. You know how to control your emotions (even if they are kept inside).
You are a dog that keeps themselves clean, which will be appreciated by your owners. You will have fun rolling around on the beach, but then quickly run into the water to wash off. You look forward to your weekly baths with your human, or even better, to be spoiled at the local doggy spa.
You’re a dog who is well-behaved, and who rarely trashes a human’s possessions. You always make sure that an item belongs to you before you start chewing on it. You have a strong sense of justice, unlike your fellow Scorpio dogs. You’ll accept the compliments, but you don’t need them, such as a Leo dog does. You’re a dog who keeps an eye on the other pets and young children in the home too. You’ll gently steer them in the proper direction.
Since your sign is Mercurial, you generally make good friends with your fellow Gemini dogs and humans too. Mercury is the sign of communication, and you need daily interaction with humans. You just loved it over the past two years when your human(s) worked from home! You and your human are able to communicate together. When they realize that you understand them, it will surprise them at first. But then they’re be grateful and happy that you are connected together in the universe.
You’ll have the opportunity to do some serious bonding with a new family member in 2023! We can’t say if it’s going to be human or a furry family member, but you’ll be happy to meet them. This will give you another companion during your daily walks outside.