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What is my Aquarian dog's horoscope?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

If you are a dog born under the sign of Aquarius then your humans will find you highly intelligent and eccentric. You’ll do better with younger companions than those who are elderly. You have a funny sense of humor that may not go over well with everybody, particularly if you’ve dropped that expensive pair of shoes in the cat’s litter box.


You’re naturally a performer, though your human may not be so amused when you take off with their smart phone and drop it down into the sewer drain! If you’re lucky, you could become famous, as your human records your antics and posts them to your very own Instagram channel. But it’s important to film your tricks when you are younger, as you will slow down as you age.


You’re a dog who learns quickly. You learn by watching. You can mimic what your humans do. It’s important that they understand this, otherwise you’ll be opening up the fridge and helping yourself to whatever food is in there! It may be a bit difficult to understand why doing some activities is allowed, while others aren’t.


You aren’t the most affectionate zodiac sign. It may take some time to warm up to your new human. You’ll accept the pets, but on your own terms. You will do well with those humans who don’t want a clingy pet that requires attention 24/7. You’ll also do well with people who like an obedient dog who doesn’t jump up and down on them all day long,


Uranus is the planet that rules this zodiac sign. This is the planet ruled by intelligence, which also affects the zodiac sign. Aquarius is also the water bearer sign. This means that you will love to run into that ocean or beach water, and also look forward to your weekly baths. You may try to sneak into the shower with your human at times. You enjoy making them laugh too!


You can look forward to a good year where there will be more opportunities to head outdoors on adventures. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to mimic your humans, which can make them laugh at you. Sometimes you just need to sit back and relax a bit. Uranus will help to make your humans understand you better, and to let you be who you really are!